The technique for integrating an assembled stiffness matrix of rectangular rigid frame was illustrated by concrete examples in theis paper, and this also gives a good train of thoughts about various calculation of rectangular rigid frame by Matrix Displacement Method. 通过具体实例,介绍了矩形刚架整体刚度矩阵的集成技巧,为矩阵位移法求解矩形刚架的各种计算,提供了分析思路。
Theis thesis puts forward a method of multi-level fuzzy synthetic assessment aimed at synthetic profit assessment of projects to modernize the railway stations. 针对铁路客运站现代化项目效益的综合评价提出了多层次模糊综合评价方法。
The education theory of CAI-R. M. Gagne's education theory is summarized in theis paper, Eight stages of teaching procedure in design of CAI courseware are discussed according to this theory, Specific implementation method of every stage is pointed out. 综述了计算机辅助教学的教学理论&加涅的教学理论,并从该教学理论出发,论述了CAI课件制作中教学过程设计的八个阶段,指出了在课件制作中每一阶段的具体实施办法。
The study of concrete creep is one of the questions for underground structure designing, Based on the theoretical analysis and author's experiments, theis paper proposes a method to determine the optimal relation between strength and creep of concrete. 混凝土流变性的研究工作是地下工程结构设计的一个问题。基于理论分析和作者的实验工作,提供了确定混凝土强度及其流变性之间优化关系的一种方法。